Sarayu, Unattended

On Loss

About a year ago, on my very last day of an amazing trip around Europe I woke up to devastating news.  One of my friends had passed suddenly.  Trying to make the most of the last day of my trip I went on with my plan for the day, as I sat at a small coffee shop in Copenhagen trying to pull myself together, I wrote a letter, filled with all of the things that I wish I could share with him.  Later as I looked out over the city, taking in one last beautiful view, I broke down into tears, the grief of not knowing what might have been was overwhelming.

I don’t know why it takes losing someone to realize their value in your life, but I made a promise to myself, that I would be more genuine, and express how much I appreciate the people in my life. So thank you for being here, for being a part of my life.  I want you to know that I treasure the role each of you have played in my life., and when I see you next, I will do my best to express this in person as well.



As for you Josh, thank you for being a friend, and know that your friendship holds a special place in my heart.  I wish you were still here, but I know that the memories I shared with you will always bring me joy. The last time you visited, when we spent hours walking by the Charles, talking about life, and then experiencing the American Authors concert are some of my most treasured memories.  You were a great friend, and your advice and smile always brightened my day.  Not a week goes by where you are not missed, be well my friend.


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