Sarayu, Unattended
India Travel

Bandipur Tiger Reserve

I have a few updates and posts that I want to share from before this trip, but this was too exciting to not share first!

This adventure starts with my Dad, who unbeknownst to me, contacted the director of the Mysore Zoo and arranged for me to tag a long on a trip to Banidpur National Park.  Blindsided by the trip, I hurried to catch up on the details and packed an overnight bag with a few clothes, camera and granola bars (these are important…always!).

Friday morning, I set off, first to meet with Anne, a woman visiting and working at the Mysore Zoo for a few weeks.  She was the one who told me, that I was going!  From there we make a quick stop at the Zoo to pick up one more person and set off.  Now I could tell you about the 2-hour car ride, but all I remember is about 5 minutes of driving through Mysore and then I was fast asleep.  Waking only once we reached!

The welcoming committee.

It took the usual waiting and calling around to secure our rooms at a (extremely) rustic lodge, with one (not quite working) water heater.  But I wasn’t here for sleeping (or really bathing) I was here to see TIGERS.

Larger than Life Wall Mural

Evening Safari

First Animal Sighting!

We head off on our first safari, secured by the ACF (Assistant Conservator of Forest), in a government Jeep, we start strong, spotting many spotted deer.  A few different birds and then the driving aimless in circles begins.

Spot the Langur Monkey

Somewhere in the distance is a herd of elephants, and we are hot on the poop trail.  A quick stop off at a Anti-poaching camp, which is essentially 4 guys in a tiny hut patrolling the forest and then we are back out.  Just as we are getting ready to give up, a large area of brush rustles.

We stop, breathless, what creature is in the brush??  And then I spot a flash of white, a tusk!  Out charges a large tusker!  Its thrilling, its breath-taking, its majestic, and of course in my excitement I do not get a single photo.  But perhaps you can picture the giant creature, charging out of the brush stomping first towards us, and then off back into the forest.   I was too excited to be scared.

The rest of the herd, including a calf

After this amazing encounter, we turn a bend, and there is the herd!  Peacefully munching away on the grass. I am in love with this park.

My love is tested by a less than filling dinner and the rock hard bed. But I won’t hold that or the millions of bugs against the place, it is after all a jungle lodge.

Saturday morning, full of anticipation, I wake at 4:45, and roll about waiting for the alarm, before getting ready.  One freezing cold rinse, and clif bar later, its off on safari #2.

Morning Safari

Once again we start strong, we spot a family of Indian Guar!  Eating their way through the invasive brush.

Then we take off, on the hunt for more elephants.  We drive along the border paths, and stopping to trek a bot and view the border between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Another stop at an anti-poaching camp, and now there are 6 people crammed into a tiny jeep.  We stop at a breath-taking lookout, where the only sounds are the distant river, birds and the occasionally Langur tussle.  There the ranger enthusiastically shares his passion and love for patrolling the forest and all of the animals he has come across.

Some thoughts

As I sat on the steps of the museum on Friday evening, watching the sunset, I was overwhelmed with emotions.  Tomorrow, I begin the next step in my journey, I start the yoga training.  I am looking forward to where this step will lead me.  As I have begun reading through some of the recommended texts, I find myself contemplating what my intention for this next year will be, 28 was the “year of me”.  I did things that I wanted to do, and ultimately followed that voice on this path and adventure.  Who knows what 29 will bring, but it is off to a strong start.

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  • Anne Knapp
    November 19, 2017 at 12:33 am

    Brilliantly written Sarayu, thank you for shaking with me!

    • Sarayu
      November 20, 2017 at 7:02 am

      I had so much fun!! Safe journey home!!

  • Swathi
    November 13, 2017 at 10:53 am

    What an adventure! Love those safaris. Happy 29th birthday! ❤️

    • Sarayu
      November 17, 2017 at 11:28 pm

      Thank You!!! Hope you are settling into your new adventure!! <3

  • Asha Keshavan
    November 13, 2017 at 9:34 am

    So wonderful!
    And excellent of Krishna to have arranged this impromptu trip!!